The drastic reduction in the economic activity, transportation and mobility has caused a severe drop in the global energy demand. In Q1’20 the global energy demand has been dropped by 3.8% compared to the Q1’19.If the lockdown situation continues for many months in majority parts of the world, then the annual energy demand is expected to be declined by 6% globally. Even if the initiatives for restarting the economy also becomes successful in different regions, this decline can be limited to 4%.

The significant disruption in the industrial activity has caused the drop of the coal and electricity demand by 8% and -2.5% by respectively in the Q1’20. For Oil and Natural gas the fall in the demand were 5% and 2% respectively. The renewable energy sector has only performed better and showed a demand hike of 1.5% in the mentioned time period.

Growth in energy demand in the coming days will depend a lot on the procedures of economic recovery, supply chain management system and the implementation of government initiatives.

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